Friday, 7 October 2011

Questioning God: Sydney atheism conference

You can now see the full program for our conference on Questioning God: Faith and Atheism in Australia. There's a great lineup of speakers from different traditions, including David Fergusson, Marion Maddox, Stuart Piggin, Scott Stephens, Mehmet Ozalp, Garry Trompf, Geoff Thompson, and Neil Ormerod; as well as a dinner address by Kristina Keneally (did you know she studied theology before going into politics?).

There's still time to register – hope to see you there!


Andrew said...

The Program looks fantastic! For those of us who are unable to make this Conference do you know if the papers will available afterwards or if there are plans to record the sessions and make the audio available?

Ben Myers said...

Hi Andrew — thanks for your interest. There won't be any audio — but we might arrange the publication of some of the papers. I'll keep you posted.

tony ( said...

Me too for any opportunity to read papers. This conference looks fantastic but I can't attend.
I'd even purchase the dvd if such existed.

Andrew said...

Hi Ben
Any update on the papers from the Conference being published? I see that some them have appeared on the ABC Religion and Ethics site but was wondering if any of the others were going to receive wider distribution.

Ben Myers said...

Yep, we're definitely going ahead with plans for publication — don't have a contract yet, so I'm not certain who'll be publishing it. But I'll give you an update down the track.

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