Sunday, 9 August 2009

Creating a radio played just for two


Anna Blanch said...

Thanks for the link Ben! The final part will be up tomorrow. I am more than open to suggestions and corrections. For instance - i still think i have your institutional affiliation wrong!

Robert said...

Thanks for the link.

As long as your desk is clear, who cares about the floor anyway!

Fat said...

"working on your relationship with God" What a great insight into being Christian and being Church.

berlinvale said...

Thanks for everything!! Your Blog is really great!! Keep writing it for long please!!

Vale from

Anthony Paul Smith said...


Anthony Paul Smith said...

Hmm... should I be offended AUFS didn't make it onto the Christian scholars list?

Ben Myers said...

Actually Anthony, it looks like I didn't make the list either: maybe you guys failed on the "Christian" criterion and I failed on the "scholar" criterion. :-)

Richard Beck said...

Thanks for the link. My sleepy blog suddenly woke up; I wondered what had happened.

Anonymous said...

The problem with being honest about the failings of one's own work is that people take advantage of that honesty without context. From a scholarly perspective I believe that Difference and Givenness is a very good study of Deleuze's work. By contrast, from the perspective of what constitutes my ideal of what a book should be and from the perspective of the unconscious desire that animates it, it measures up less well. Nonetheless, it was a step for me along the path of thought and a step that I had to go through.

Ben Myers said...

Thanks for that clarification, Levi, and for your post in response to my link. I've just added a comment, and I'll repost my comment here as well:

I found your self-critique to be absolutely exemplary. For me, it was a terrific example of how writing and thinking ought to be undertaken: not in order to produce some inflexible fixed position, but in order to move and to change. I guess I saw your post as an illustration of Foucault's famous remarks, which I also posted recently.

One of the theologians whom I work on, Karl Barth, often had a similar attitude towards his own writing: he could also be "devastatingly severe" with his books. So when I called your self-review "devastatingly severe", it was meant as a compliment.

Anna Blanch said...

Ben, i think i left you off because i was worried about getting the affiliation wrong. I'll fix it.
It isn't's a work in progress.

AUFS is? excuse my ignorance (i haven't been living in Australia for a while).

Anna Blanch said...

Ben you now appear...sorry about that. but for the record, i definitely consider you a christian "scholar" (for whatever my opinion is worth)!

Ben Myers said...

Hi Anna: no problem, we were only kidding! Still, there's a bunch of younger American scholars who blog at AUFS — Adam Kotsko, Anthony Paul Smith, and others.

Anna Blanch said...

Kid away...I've been living in Texas too long. Need some australian sense of humour! I'll check it out! and anything else you or your readers suggest!

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