Twenty-nine days of sinning and forty to repent
- On graduate study in theology
- A massive blog series: the good news
- I ♥ chick tracts
- A wonderful series: theology of childhood
- A new open source online journal on Theological Librarianship
- A. N. Wilson believes again
- An interview with Robert Jenson
- A critique of David Bentley Hart on pacifism
- Cynthia on Nietzsche and metaphor
- A new edition of Calvin’s 1541 French Institutes
- A Times Higher Education piece on Milbank and RO
- An excellent series of radio interviews with Thomas Szasz, on the idea that we live in a therapeutic state or “pharmacracy”
- Rowan Williams’ Holy Week talks on prayer (I haven’t listened to them yet, but I’ve heard that they’re excellent)
- Finally, a stunning polemical assessment of David Bentley Hart’s book In the Aftermath – here’s an excerpt: “In what can only be described as a tone of lament, Hart mourns that we no longer have the gods of antiquity, since it was they who provided for the church ‘enemies with whom it could come to grips’…. This narrative of world history is quite simply Hegelian: the church (or, better, Christendom) by Hart’s lights persists through the destruction of its enemies, and alongside and over against that nothingness it summons from the past. His is a dark vision in which Christendom persists, in the aftermath, as the very mediation of that nothingness. With no paganism left to slay, Hart would have the church now subsist on its rotting corpse. There is a fierce horror erupting here, appropriate for the Schmittian animus of which it partakes. This nothingness that is the residue of the ancient world – this is the true (unknown, but anticipated) enemy of Christendom precisely because it tells Hart who the church is. As he would have it, the church’s very relation to the nothingness, anticipated and disclosed by Christendom, simply is the church in the present.”
- And for a bit of light relief: the world’s most alienating airport
Dude... hat tip?
Re: Reno article. Why is it that the only schools/programs mentioned by name are the ones of his all-too-predictable swipe at liberal Protestantism?
For interested parties there is a bit of a debate regarding the post about Hart over at An und fur sich. Dave (the author of the post, not Hart) is a rather busy father, husband, and freelance theologian and so it is likely he may not have time to contribute, but there are some Dave proxies in the comments.
More R.Williams
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