Rowan Williams caption contest
Okay, I stole this idea from Mike Bird. But let’s see who can come up with the best caption for this photo:
The winner of the contest will receive their choice of one of the following books:
- William Cavanaugh, Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire (Eerdmans, 2008)
- David H. Jenson, ed., The Lord and Giver of Life: Perspectives on Constructive Pneumatology (WJKP, 2008)
- William Hasker, The Triumph of God over Evil: Theodicy for a World of Suffering (IVP, 2008)
- Brian S. Rosner, ed., The Consolations of Theology (Eerdmans, 2008)
"You've all decided to stay in communion!?"
"Did you say you wanted me to resign J.I.!? Wait a minute I think of the answer here under my cassock."
"Drink! Girls! Feck! Arse!"
(Father Ted anyone?)
Gene! You're here!? (Oh *&*%#!)
"By Toutatis, you found the mistletoe for the magic potion, Asterix?!"
My first idea was a dig at his eyebrows and his mother wanting to trim them for the "telly," but I think this one better:
To George Bush, "You want me to say God bless America? Are you serious?"
"You want me to play Dumbledore?"
"You finally get what I was trying to say about Sharia?"
Not Prince Hamlet --
You totally stole my caption. :-)
That Goddam Waits is right: Misery is the river of the world-wide Anglican Communion!
Alternate: If God's away on business, what the flunk am I doing here!
"If they drive God from the earth, we shall shelter Him underground."
"Jensen and Robinson are coming toward me - who's hand do I shake first? Oh thank God, there's Tom!"
Great Scott! Marty, you fixed the Flux Capacitor!
"Now that Lambeth is almost over, I've got to get back to the TARDIS"
"I've been struggling to keep from frowning the whole week, and now I think I'm stuck like this!"
"Yes, Gene, of course this smile is genuine and I'm genuinely pleased to see you..."
An adequate respose to the most recent Left Behind novel.
"No, I haven't seen The Dark Knight yet, but I am a huge fan of the Joker!"
"I'm having the best day of my life, and I owe it all to not going to church!"
i can haz sharia? LOLFIRSTAMONGEQUALS!!!1 ftw.
"Half my kingdom for a generous spoonful of Pepto Bismol!"
I don't care what anyone says...I DO NOT look like that!
"Ohhhhhh Mr McLaren....."
"You're giving me another honorary doctorate?! "
the bag of toys slung over his right shoulder, the sobbing of children resounding in his ears, the grinch surveyed his ruin and grinned
- ken oakes
Sheep in wolves' clothing?
This is my gay bishop face. Sorry, I meant my bishop's gay face.
Rowan discovers the delights of public self-flagellation
Thief! Since you've got more responses than I did, you can have it. Here's my caption:
"Ha ha ha ha ... you fools ... the end is nigh ... ha ha ha ... GAFCON will destroy us all ... ha ha ha ... Gene Robinson ... TEC ... repent I tells you, repent ... before we perish ... ha ha ha ... the end is come ... EPA ... EPA ... EEEEPA."
EPA means environmental protection agency and is ripped off from Grandpa Simpson's apocalyptic vision from the Simpson's Movie.
-after stealing akinola's tennis bag-
Look Tom I've found some balls!
So you all will vote for my impeachment??? Thank you so much!!
After hearing so much about homosexuality... Rowan decided to explore a little further...
Nya de Nya, I fooled y'all.
I'm gonna go back down the yellow brick road to the Emerald city 'cause I'm really the Wizard of Oz.
Why hello there, children!
"A blowout in the budget? What a crazy idea. Wherever did you get such a story from?!" (followed by weak laughter)
"I'm warning you. . .He's got huge, sharp. . .eh. . .he can leap about. . .just look at the bones"
Carrying his sportsbag and wearing his whistle, the referee for the Lambeth Conference just before being led away for a drugs test.
Surprise and delight at Lambeth, as news arrives of a new colony of several million Anglicans on Mars - and all of them fully loyal to the Global Communion.
Ben, the Betty Ford Centre has just telephoned me to ask me to inform you that Kim is right. The referee says Kim wins.
Upon hearing that one of the journalists had actually read the sharia lecture, Dr Williams seemed pleasantly surprised.
"Don't eat the brown acid."
"My best Joker impersonation? Check this one out…"
The Archbishop remembers his book ...
According to Athanasius, it was a Saturday when the emperor ordered Alexander to admit Arius (at the liturgy on the following day). Faced with this ultimatum, Alexander (accompanied by Athanasius' friend, the presbyter Macarius) withdrew to the episcopal church (Hagia Eirene) and prayed that either he or Arius might die before morning. Arius meanwhile, smitten by 'the necessities of nature', retired to a public lavatory, and died, apparently from some kind of internal haemorrhage or rupture. The emperor and the city were duly shocked and edified. (Arius, p.81)
... wonders if the Church Father could have been right, and suddenly considers that history might repeat itself.
"Ah, finally, someone who understood Arius: Heresy and Tradition!"
Oooh, Virtue, you've found my G spot!
Gene's decided to go home early?
Your Holiness, I thought you were in Sydney not Lambeth!!!!
"Not only is gay marraige permissible, it's mandatory!"
"Howling Wolf-Man cackles at successfully infiltrating position of power within the Church of England.....hmmmhhoooohahahaha"
You're calling me Israel? I'm a better wrestler than I thought!
"The joys of a regular colon."
By George! I've finally got it! A cunning plan! I shall become an alternative healer in a slightly tacky clinic in suburbia. No one will ever find me.
"This is my Jim Broadbent impersonation!"
I think the Irish Times should be the winner:
Such as the refreshingly candid bishop who earlier this week and, in private, on seeing again the omnipresent Bishop Gene Robinson, that actively gay man whose ordination precipitated the current crisis within Anglicanism, wondered openly, "has he not been shot yet?"
You get to play PLINKO!!!
I like Chocolate milk! (Said in the voice of Cheese)
Remember that 60's song by Napoleon XIV? He's probably saying something like this:
"They're coming to take me away! Ha Haaa, Ho Ho, Hee Hee . . ."
It's ALL maddening, isn't it? I think the Photog caught him in the middle of the ". . . Haaa . . ."
Will someone kindly inform those two dark patches of hair about my eyes about gravity?
Pictured: Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, knee-deep into a bottle of 16 yr Lagavulin at the post-Lambeth conference afterparty.
"There's something in my teeth?"
Benedict has really come out?
"So long, and thanks for all the fish!"
After weeks of careful thought, Rowan finally conceives a clever, and apparently humorous, way to reapply the acronym GAFCON!
Yes - but I've got the last parachute!
What did you say? Time to meet the FOCAs?
Concerned he forgot something, Rowan thinks to himself . . . "Ok, I've got my clerical collar, my bible is in my man-bag, my eyebrows are freshly Spocked . . . oh S%*t! I forgot my pants!"
"Delighted at the thought of Gene and Cathy bowing out? Nope. Much better than that -- I just save 15% on my auto insurance with Geico!"
Q. What are you gonna do once this whole thing falls apart?
A. I'm goin' to Disneyland!
He reminds me of Obe-Wan.
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."
Which also reflects his current position quite well.
I've got Benedict in here, so I hope you enjoy Africa! Cheerio!
Promotional Photo from MI4 movie website: Tom Cruise impersonating the Archbishop of Canterbury in "Mission Impossible 4: War on Terror"
"Frodo! Did Sam fall for the depantsing spell again????"
In yet another innovative move for his congregation, the Archbishop advertises his plan to replace rather conventional communion wine with the trendy Red Bull Energy Drink.
Caption: Finally on camera....
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