Tuesday, 15 November 2005

Wolf Krötke, nothingness, and Karl Barth

Princeton Theological Seminary publishes a superb series which unfortunately is not very widely known: Studies in Reformed Theology and History. The latest volume in the series is an English translation of Wolf Krötke’s brilliant study Sünde und Nichtiges bei Karl Barth (1970). Here are the details:

Wolf Krötke, Sin and Nothingness in the Theology of Karl Barth, trans. Philip G. Ziegler (Studies in Reformed Theology and History NS10; Princeton: Princeton Theological Seminary, 2005); xv, 132pp.

As Krötke says, there is only one important account of evil in modern theology, and that is the account of Karl Barth. And without too much exaggeration we might add that there is only one important account of Barth’s doctrine of evil, and that is Wolf Krötke’s study.

If you’re a poor student who can’t afford to pay for the book, then the good people at Princeton will even let you have a copy free of charge. The contact address is:

Studies in Reformed Theology and History
PO Box 821
Princeton, NJ 08542-0803


Fred said...

For free, seriously? Do I have to prove my poverty?

Ben Myers said...

Yeah, it's very nice of them. The Seminary has subsidised the whole series in this way, so that they can make the volumes available gratis. So as far as I'm aware, you just need to write them a letter.

Anonymous said...

Gratis? How about for those who are in Indonesia? Do they send the book across countries too, i mean, for gratis?

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