Tuesday, 22 November 2005

Blogging the SBL

In case you hadn’t heard, the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (and of the American Academy of Religion) has been taking place in Philadelphia over the past few days. Most of the bibliobloggers have been there, and many have been posting fascinating updates about the conference.

Some of the most interesting posts have come from Peter Leithart, who discusses a very wide range of biblical and theological papers. Our friend Jim West has been prolific as always with his updates and insights, and Mike Bird, Mark Goodacre, and the Textual Criticism blog have been discussing some of the New Testament sessions. Joe Cathey, Rick Brannan and Michael Pahl offer some charming sketches of the bloggers they have met at the conference, and Yasmin Finch posts some nice photos of Philadelphia.

For those of us who couldn’t make it to Philadelphia, it has been great to experience the conference vicariously like this. I have only one complaint: so far, no one has blogged about Wolfhart Pannenberg’s paper. Mike Bird sent me some details in an email, and told me that Pannenberg offered autobiographical reflections on his own theological development. For me, this would have been the clear highlight and the main event, since Pannenberg is the world’s greatest living theologian. Doesn’t anyone want to blog about Pannenberg?


Anonymous said...

...and James Crossley and Chris Heard - and Tyler Williams gives a round-up although be wasn't there. And Tim Bulkeley from up north (who should have hired me to carry his bags or something)

Ben Myers said...

Thanks for adding these, Steph.

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