Thursday, 10 November 2005

Luther festivities

Several bloggers celebrated Luther’s birthday yesterday. Jim West had an entire day of entertaining Luther festivities, including a nice post on Luther’s humour. Another blogger posted a photo of the house in which Luther was born, while someone else celebrated Luther’s birthday with a rather nasty joke.

Best of all, though, Joe Cathey posted this superb photo of a 1543 letter on the resurrection body, in Luther’s own hand. And Joe mentions casually that there is a letter from Melanchthon on the back of the page.

1 Comment:

Jim said...

Yeah but did you get a look at the guy? I mean, he's wearing a cowboy hat and he has a go-tee (or however the heck it's spelled). He looks like he sang for the Village People- so any critique of Luther by him has to be taken with a grain of salt (or rather- a pound).

And yeah, Joe's pic of the ms wins the prize for the day. Dag-nabbit.

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