Sunday, 27 November 2005

Church Dogmatics in a week

Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics is one of the longest theological works ever written. The work was published as 13 massive tomes; and although Barth had planned to divide the work into five main volumes, he did not live long enough to complete even the fourth volume.

It took Barth decades to write the Church Dogmatics; and it takes a couple of solid years to read the whole work through. But since ours is the generation of microwave ovens and fast food, I thought it would be appropriate to offer a one-week summary of the Church Dogmatics.

So below I have posted a single-sentence summary of each of the 13 books that make up the Church Dogmatics, along with my choice of a notable section, and a quote from each book:

Church Dogmatics: summary of the whole work
Church Dogmatics I/1
Church Dogmatics I/2
Church Dogmatics II/1
Church Dogmatics II/2
Church Dogmatics III/1
Church Dogmatics III/2
Church Dogmatics III/3
Church Dogmatics III/4
Church Dogmatics IV/1
Church Dogmatics IV/2
Church Dogmatics IV/3
Church Dogmatics IV/4 (fragment)


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