An honour for Faith and Theology
Justin Nickelsen from the superb Ressourcement blog has just nominated his favourite blogs of 2005. And he has singled out Faith and Theology as the very “best of 2005”! He has some very kind things to say, and he even describes me as “quite ‘Balthasarian’”—coming from a good ressourcement theologian like Justin, this is a very warm compliment indeed!
I’m most grateful to Justin for honouring me in this way, and I’m grateful to him for posting such a generous review of Faith and Theology.
Congratulations Ben! Well deserved!!
I once won something but of course the Doctor said it would clear up if I applied the prescription cream regularly.
And there was that record album I won in 1973 while in gradeschool. But that, I'm afraid, is the highlight of my winnings.
A well deserved honour, Ben.
Well done, Ben.
It is my favourite blog to check out.
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