Bonus: Top ten films of 2005 for theologians
Here is a sequel from Tyler Williams to his list of essential films:
With the Academy Awards fast approaching, I thought I would also provide a list of my “Top Ten Films of 2005 for Theologians.” You will notice that some of films have a 2004 release date; these are films that had an initial limited release in 2004 (usually at a film festival) but had a more extensive public release in 2005 (including DVD releases).
For a more detailed discussion of the films on this list, please see the extended post on my Codex Blogspot.
Yeesh... Crash... that's incredible... I just have to voice my complaints again... what a pretentious and overly contrived waste of time it was to watch that movie... honestly... there was little to nothing redeeming about thes movie and I don't get its appeal. Did anybody find its take on race relations profound? Did its moments of serendipity or chance or fate actually resonate as authentic with anyone? Did Sandra Bullock's acting impress people? Why should any theologian watch this movie? I'm at a complete loss on that one...
Chronicles... very blah in my opinion...
I would point readers to my profile for further decent movies appropriate for theologians.
Excellent choices Chris... I too laughed and cried during THAT movie...
how can you not include brokeback mountain? poses difficult questions about love, sexuality, hate, longing, sexuality. all in a incredible well done way. regardless of our take on homosexuality within the church, this is a movie that should be seen, understood, and discussed by churchgoers and theologians.
Get off the Crash kick, Ken. :-) It isn't that bad of movie! It's over the top but it confronts the issue of racism in a way that is relevant and meaningful -- look close enough and we're all racist.
In regards to Brokeback Mountain the only reason it isn't on the list is because I have not seen it yet. I should have time to post my extended versions with comments in the next couple days. This should help people understand why certain films are included while others are not.
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