Friday, 10 February 2006

Evangelical Climate Initiative

It’s not every day that one can find something to admire in the politics of conservative North American evangelicalism. But the Evangelical Climate Initiative, launched yesterday, seems truly laudable.


Chris Tilling said...

Indeed! And Amen to that.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the same conservatives that voted Bush into office obviously don't comprehend his view of global warming. Sure, it's laudable, but their politics and faith are simply wrong-headed.

Ben Myers said...

You've definitely got that right. Still, I don't think this should undermine the value of the current environmental initiative. Even if they are being inconsistent, it's a happy inconsistency!

Jim said...

Well this comment has nothing to do with this post but your poll.

I object, and I need not even say why! I cannot in good conscience vote for any of them because the one I prefer isn't on the list at all. "Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders! Gott hilfe mich!!!"

Ben Myers said...

Ja, Jim, Gott helfe dir, du frecher Kerl. ;-)

Guy Davies said...

Francis Schaeffer was arguing for a distinctly Evangelical & Reformed environmentalism back in the 1970's in his "Pollution and the Death of Man" (Vol V of The Complete Works). It is good to see that Evangelicals are taking these issues seriously at last.

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