Wednesday 22 February 2006

Books, books, books

Thanks to the 160 people who voted in the recent poll, “How many books do you own?” As it turns out, most readers of this blog own between 200 and 1000 books (37%), and between 1000 and 2000 (28%). 17% own between 2000 and 5000, 13% own between 1 and 200, and only a lucky 6% own more than 5000 books.

Now at Aaron Ghiloni’s blog, you can also vote on whether or not books should be annotated (a topic that was hotly debated here recently). Perhaps Aaron’s poll will be able to settle this troublesome controversy once and for all....


::aaron g:: said...

Thanks for the link, Ben!

I personally cast my lot with the note takers -- I can't imagine reading without at least one pen in my hand! (This must explain why I must buy books from Amazon rather than just borrow them from the library or from friends.)

Ben Myers said...

Well, Aaron, at least you're not one of those notorious scoundrels who scrawl inky notes in library books!

Tyler F. Williams said...

I know it's too late, but I have ca. 2000 books. So I guess I am among the 17%. Wow, I'm special!

Genuine Lustre said...

Hello, my name is Polly, and I'm a book addict. I'm afraid I just made an order with Amazon this morning. I've discovered the "available used from .50cents" option" . . . . .

::aaron g:: said...

The winner of the "Do You Write in Your Books" poll is up!

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