Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Would Jesus vote green?

Here in my own very conservative state of Queensland, many churchgoers simply take it for granted that they should vote for conservative parties, or even (shudder) for right-wing “family values” parties. This situation makes Byron’s excellent series very relevant: would Jesus vote green?

On the same topic, Aussie readers might enjoy the recent Quarterly Essay (a great periodical on Australian political and cultural life): Amanda Lohrey, Voting for Jesus: Christianity and Politics in Australia (2006).


Anonymous said...

I am not an Aussie, but I am interested in that article anyway, Ben. I try to forge a global awareness of such matters, as much as possible.

Joanna said...

Ben, if any of your readers subscribe to the online journal Eureka Street, ( they can read Scott Stephen's interesting (and highly critical) response to Amanda Lohrey's Quarterly Essay. Sadly it is locked for subscribers only.

byron smith said...

Thanks for the link!

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