Thursday 10 May 2007

Thinking bloggers

Various people have kindly nominated Faith & Theology in the “thinking blog” meme (e.g. here, here, here, here, here, here and here). So I thought I should return the courtesy – here are five blogs that make me think:

Per Caritatem
This is the only philosophy of religion blog that I visit. Cynthia is extremely engaging, and her blog has a delightful “flavour” that I really appreciate. At her blog, you can learn all sorts of exciting new things about Balthasar, Jean-Luc Marion, Augustine, jazz, and more.

Missions and Theology
Joey is a Filipino missionary working near the border between Thailand and the Philippines. He’s a bright and well-read guy whose theological and missiological reflection is deeply shaped by his own challenging ministry context.

The Fire and the Rose
David is a promising Princeton student who is passionate about his theology. He’s got stacks of good ideas, and his posts are always filled with verve and vigour.

Together with Chrisendom, this is one of my two favourite New Testament blogs. Mike helps to keep me in touch with current research on Jesus and Paul; and he’s also the guy who first persuaded me to start a theology blog myself.

Subversive Christianity
This relatively new blog is a real gem – it’s full of sharp and provocative insights, written in a lucid, no-nonsense style.

Finally, let me give me an honourable mention to Insight Scoop, a very smart and classy Catholic blog that I’ve just started reading recently.


Cynthia R. Nielsen said...

Thanks, Ben. If I had known that I could list bloggers that had already been tagged, I would have listed you as well!

Warm regards,

The maiden said...

Thanks for your generous words! Coming from you, this is honor indeed!

Ryan said...


You may want to rectify this:

"the border between Thailand and the Philippines"

It seems you mean cultural borders, or perhaps cultural worlds....but as said it is a bit of a problem.

byron smith said...

I also nominated you back here.

David W. Congdon said...


Thanks very much for your kind words. I'm honored.

Ryan said...


You may want to rectify this:

"the border between Thailand and the Philippines"

It seems you mean cultural borders, or perhaps cultural worlds....but as said it is a bit of a problem.

A deacon, by the grace of God, said...

Thanks for your generous words! Coming from you, this is honor indeed!

Cynthia Nielsen said...

Thanks, Ben. If I had known that I could list bloggers that had already been tagged, I would have listed you as well!

Warm regards,

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