Paul DeHart's research in progress
I was so impressed by Paul DeHart’s new book that I emailed him to find out what his next research projects will be. He’s currently writing two books, and they both sound like exciting and important works.
First, he’s working on a book exploring the trajectory in English theology running from Donald MacKinnon through Rowan Williams to John Milbank. How do we get from the first two to the last? How can we make sense of this theological tradition, and of Milbank’s place in it?
Secondly, he’s also writing a book about Schleiermacher and the Trinity. He believes that we still have a lot to learn from Schleiermacher’s theology of the Trinity. In this book he’s exploring what Schleiermacher says about the Trinity, how his critiques of orthodox trinitarian doctrine were received, and how he compares on trinitarian issues with Hegel and Barth.
These will certainly be two books to look out for!
DeHart is presenting on Schleiermacher and the Trinity on Sunday Morning the 19th at 9am at AAR. Here is an abstract
Schleiermacher’s Trinity: Redemption as Divine Presence
Paul DeHart, Vanderbilt University
This presentation will show how the idea of God’s union with human nature is the mediating conceptuality needed to understand Schleiermacher’s claim that the essence of the doctrine of the Trinity coincides with the essence of his characteristic understanding of redemption. First his notion of the only possible way to understand “divine presence in a creature” will be sketched. Then this notion will be used to clarify the basic moves of his discussion of the trinity: its soteriological orientation, its modalist critique of the “ecclesiastical doctrine”, and its stern refusal of any speculative grounding for that traditional doctrine’s reconstruction.
"How do we get from the first two to the last?" More importantly, I hope DeHart explains how we get from the last back to the first two!
Yes, Kim -- I think that's exactly what DeHart is trying to do!
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