Monday, 16 June 2008

Karl Barth blog conference

This year’s Karl Barth blog conference is now up and running. Over the coming days, there’ll be about a dozen posts discussing Barth and the theology of his greatest student, Eberhard Jüngel. You can read the summary here, and the first post here.

I’ve also added a widget to the top of the sidebar, to help you keep track of the posts as they appear. Thanks to WTM for all the hard work he puts into running this excellent event!


W. Travis McMaken said...

I love the iPod in Karl's hand. :-)

It should be a great conference. There are some excellent and thought-provoking posts on the way.

Anonymous said...

Well, we know what's playing: Mozart. But he should be listening to Tchaikovsky

Dave Belcher said...

Hey Ben, in case you hadn't heard, though I'd let you know about this (via Eric Lee who has a lengthier write-up). Peace.

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