Two years
Faith & Theology is now two years old! In the past two years, this blog has had:
- 1,211 posts
- over 100 guest-posts
- 37 book reviews
- 261.5 propositions by Kim Fabricius
- 322,480 visitors (574,029 hits)
- 296 current feed-subscribers (in Google Reader/Bloglines)
- 52 direct email subscribers
- 4,090 links from other blogs (according to Technorati)
- and, best of all, hundreds of lively theological conversations
Well thank you! I've had about 350 hits from you - including about 78 on June 26...
Happy birthday, Faith & Theology; and thank you, Ben, for the time and effort you devote to maintaining it.
Mazel Tov! Many happy returns! Without Faith and Theology my blog would have been much poorer because this is where I learned that one really could create a blog of theological discussion.
Well done lad. And it's high time that Kim get his own blog. Past high time! He needs to cut the apron string and launch out on his own.
Happy anniversay, and many more of 'em!
Congratulations! You're into the terrible twos now. Your blog will be pulling down boiling saucepans onto its head, tripping over and grazing its knee, and throwing tantrums. Or maybe not. How many human years to a blog year? Maybe it's already Methuselah!
congratulations. Thanks for the two years and I look forward to more years to come.
Congrats and more power. F&T is a regular read for me.
I dito the above. Congratulations!
Excellent work, Benjamin!
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