Monday, 23 July 2007

A friendly appeal: books for Joey Dela Paz

I’m sure many of you will be familiar with Missions and Theology, the excellent blog of Joey Dela Paz. Joey is a Filipino missionary living with his wife and three children in Mae Sai, northern Thailand. He pastors a growing church, as well as running a primary school and kindergarten. Together with some other local pastors, he recently opened a new Missions Training Center to equip Thai and Myanmar church planters and leaders in the region. As you’ll know if you read his blog, Joey is a gifted and capable theological thinker, and the intercultural dimension of his ministry provides a rich context for theological reflection.

But Joey’s geographical location and ministry commitments mean that his access to theological books is very limited. So I thought it might be fun if we joined together to buy some books for Joey. This is not, of course, about “charity” – it’s just a friendly way of sharing our resources. If several of us were to contribute just a couple of dollars each, I’m sure we could raise enough to send Joey some good theological books.

If you’d like to contribute, just click the PayPal icon below (you don’t need a PayPal account to donate). Alternatively, you might like to choose a good book from your own library to pass on to Joey – if you’d like to do this, you can email me for his shipping address. I’ll keep this appeal open until later in the week, when I’ll announce the total amount raised.


chris s said...

This is a very good idea - in fact, do you know of any ministries which do this on a wider basis? (Buy theological books for pastors ?)

Anonymous said...

good stuff :)

Joey said...

Thank you Ben, for your kindness and thoughtfulness. One of the drawbacks for being a missionary is that you have to give up most of your possessions including books, if you can't afford to ship them.

Thanks again for this and I really appreciate it. I am (seriously) hoping that Jim would also give out some of his For the Person in the Pew series.;)

Regards and blessings!

Anonymous said...

In answer to Chris: There is Operation Pass Along which "passes along" books and vestments to clergy who need them. I'm not sure if you need to be Anglican or not.

jps said...

Late to the party, but late is better than never, I guess :)

There is Theological Book Network:

They do good work; check out their website.


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