New articles
Several of the leading theological journals have released their first issues for 2007 – and there are some outstanding new articles. Let me highlight a few here.
The new issue of Modern Theology 23:1 (2007) includes Oliver D. Crisp’s sharply critical discussion of Robert W. Jenson’s christology: “Robert Jenson on the Pre-Existence of Christ.” It also includes a tribute to Stanley Grenz, and an article on John Howard Yoder by Daniel Barber: “The Particularity of Jesus and the Time of the Kingdom: Philosophy and Theology in Yoder.”
The new issue of the International Journal of Systematic Theology 9:1 (2007) includes Drayton C. Benner’s article, “Augustine and Karl Rahner on the Relationship between the Immanent Trinity and the Economic Trinity,” as well as some new work on Karl Barth: Paul T. Nimmo, “Karl Barth and the concursus Dei – A Chalcedonianism Too Far?”; and Piotr J. Malysz, “Storming Heaven with Karl Barth? Barth's Unwitting Appropriation of the Genus Maiestaticum and what Lutherans Can Learn from It.”
Meanwhile, the new issue of the Scottish Journal of Theology 60:1 (2007) contains a very important exchange between Edwin Chr. van Driel and Bruce McCormack. Van Driel critiques McCormack in “Karl Barth on the Eternal Existence of Jesus Christ,” and McCormack offers an extensive response in “Seek God Where He May Be Found: A Response to Edwin Chr. van Driel.”
The same issue of SJT includes a panel on David Bentley Hart’s The Beauty of the Infinite, with critiques by Francesca Murphy and John A. McGuckin (the latter remarks that Hart’s book “comes among us like a satellite fallen through the roof of the hen house”). Hart then offers his own spirited response, and he says some interesting things about the genesis of The Beauty of the Infinite (apparently, the book was initially planned to be the first in a five-volume series!).
Finally, in the February 2007 issue of First Things, Timothy George has an important article on “Evangelicals and the Mother of God.”
thanks for these updates, I look forward to reading Paul Nimmo's article as we were fellow students at Edinburgh. also in the IJST, there is a good article on Maximus and Augustine on the Will and Choice by Ian McFarland (my current supervisor) that is worth reading.
The Beauty of the Infinite is one of the best modern theology books I've read in years. I just disagree with David Hart about tragedy.
Francesca Murphy
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