Sunday, 25 February 2007

Audio lectures by T. F. Torrance

Here is a series of mp3 files (4.2 hours in total) of some lectures which Thomas F. Torrance gave at Union Theological College in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in the early 1980s:

(Alternatively, you can click here to get the podcast feed.)


Jon said...

Are these a different series?

Scott Savage said...

Thanks for this.

elena said...

I just found this site, have you heard about this?

Arvid said... says:


A Christian heresy which taught that God is a single entity and that Jesus was a pure man, born of a virgin, who was adopted by God.


It says a lot about grails as well.

Ben Myers said...

"Grails" -- ah, say no more!

Jon: yes, this is the same series of lectures. I just compiled them in a single post to make them easy to find in future.

Michael Morrison said...

Fuller Theological Seminary sells some tapes of Torrance. There is a series of 10 on the Ground and Grammar of Theology, and a few others. Go to

Fr. Matthew said...

I cannot get these to work?

Fr. Michael Flowers said...

I'd love to hear these lectures but they are not working. Are they still up or have pulled them off?

Anonymous said...

I can't get them to work either... Would be great to hear them!

Unknown said...

The Link is broken

Anonymous said...

The Ground and Grammar of Theology lectures given by T.F. torrance at Fuller Seminary has been made available for free at:

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