Wednesday 10 August 2005

Eberhard Jüngel in English

The following of Jüngel’s books are available in English translation:

Death, the Riddle and the Mystery (Edinburgh: St Andrew Press, 1975)

God as the Mystery of the World: On the Foundation of the Theology of the Crucified One in the Dispute between Theism and Atheism(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1983)

Karl Barth: A Theological Legacy (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1986)

The Freedom of a Christian: Luther's Significance for Contemporary Theology (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1988) [available from Dovebooks]

Theological Essays I(Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1989)

Christ, Justice and Peace: Toward a Theology of the State in Dialogue with the Barmen Declaration (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1992)

Theological Essays II(Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995)

God's Being Is in Becoming: The Trinitarian Being of God in the Theology of Karl Barth: A Paraphrase(Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2001)—previously translated as The Doctrine of the Trinity: God's Being Is in Becoming(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1976); the 2001 edition is an entirely new translation, with a superb introduction by John Webster

Justification: The Heart of the Christian Faith: A Theological Study with an Ecumenical Purpose(Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2001)

Jüngel’s many untranslated works include a study of Rudolf Bultmann’s theology; a study of Karl Barth’s doctrine of baptism; a book on “analogy” in ancient Greek philosophy; and a New Testament study of Jesus and Paul (with particular focus on the parables of Jesus). And I have heard rumours that Jüngel is currently working on a book on eschatology.

1 Comment:

Chris Tilling said...

I just purchased for a few pounds a paperback of God's Being Is in Becoming: The Trinitarian Being of God in the Theology of Karl Barth. I've got so much to read at the mo, but I'm looking forward to this one arriving.
Still no CD though.

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