Thursday, 30 October 2008

Art and incarnation: the art and theology of Edward Knippers

Next week, Theology Forum will be hosting a “blog exhibition” showcasing the art of Edward Knippers. Starting Monday, they’ll be posting several pieces of Knippers’ work each day, accompanied by short essays which engage theologically with these paintings.

My own essay on “Knippers and the Resurrection of the Body” will be posted on Wednesday. I’m very excited to be contributing to this excellent series – so make sure you stop by next week at Theology Forum, and join the discussion about God, paint, and bodies.


Anonymous said...


can't wait to see the posts

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post and the link. The pictures are well worth having a look at. The "Artist's Statement" and the "Critical Reviews" are well worth reading. I look forward to seeing more.

The great strength of the naked portrayals is they force one to recognise the physicality of the Christian doctrines which they illustrate - the incarnation, the resurrection ... . However their great weakness is that they are apt to draw the eye to the generative areas, and so hijack the mind from the overall message. It's a terribly fine line for an artist to walk: I'm not sure and I'd like to hear opinions on whether he's walked in the right places?

Yours in Christ - JOHN HARTLEY.

Anonymous said...

I;m sure he intended to force us to look a the generative areas. Is that blasphemous? in poor taste?
or part of his commentary?

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