Around the traps
- Troy has a very interesting discussion of a recent seminar with John Webster
- Andrew Sullivan talks about why he blogs
- Dan Reid talks about reading prefaces (I was horrified to learn that there are in fact some people who don’t read a book’s preface: the world is a strange, strange place…)
- David reviews a book on Barth and Dostoevsky
- Evan talks about the new German edition of Ratzinger’s complete works
- Kyle has more thoughts about Jonathan Edwards and church history
- T&T Clark are looking for a new editorial assistant
- I’m now reading the new English edition of Carl Schmitt’s Political Theology II: The Myth of the Closure of any Political Theology – the translation feels a bit clunky, but it’s still exciting to see that the most explicitly theological of all Schmitt’s writings is now available in English
- And did you know there’s a mountain in New Zealand named after Karl Barth? It’s all true. Choice, bro.
>>Choice, bro.
I thought you were living in New Jersey, not California.
They say "Choice bro" in California now? They must have picked it up from the Kiwis...
what does it mean? or, like so many colloquialisms, is its definition too broad or diverse to be nailed down?
Hi Anon. Here's the definition from
Choice is also used as a word in New Zealand slang to describe something, or a situation, as being good. It may have originated from the Victorian English used in colonial times, where the word choice was used formally to describe the quality of traded goods. As modern slang, it became popular in the 1980s and is still in use today. Example of usage as slang: "I think that song is really choice."
So in other words, "Choice, bro" is roughly equivalent to "Cool, man."
Is Political Theology II worth reading?
Is Political Theology II worth reading?
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