Here and there
- Mike Higton continues his marvellous series on Rowan Williams and sexuality
- Halden on ordinary sex, and on the ethics of theological polemic, and on Žižek and violence
- David Congdon on historical criticism today
- Dave and Tim and Eric with wrap-ups of the Rome conference. (Sorry, I can’t provide my own wrap-up – I got a raging fever shortly after giving my paper, so I missed the last two days of the conference.)
- R. O. Flyer on the analogia entis
- Chris Tilling with an admirably concise book review
- Davey Henreckson on one of my favourite novels
We wondered what happened to you! I was just planning on writing you an email to check you were ok. It must have been serious to have kept you away from Hauerwas, O'D, Milbank and Agamben. You didn't miss much. OK, not too much.
PS Hope you're feeling better now!
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