Saturday, 22 September 2007

An interview with Kevin Vanhoozer

Interviewer extraordinaire and all-around-nice-guy Guy Davies has posted an excellent interview with America’s best conservative evangelical theologian, Kevin Vanhoozer.

It’s good to hear that Vanhoozer is currently working on a new book for the Cambridge Studies in Christian Doctrine series, entitled Remythologizing Theology: Divine Action, Passion, and Authorship. In this book, he’s arguing that the God-world relation takes the form not of causality but of communicative speech. Vanhoozer has already sketched this idea in First Theology – and I’ve often thought that this is the best of all his constructive proposals to date. (I wonder if Vanhoozer has ever come across Gerhard Ebeling’s little 1967 book, God and Word, which makes a very similar proposal, albeit from a Bultmannian direction.)

As Guy’s interview reveals, Vanhoozer is also planning a full systematic theology: “Everything else is but a tilling of the ground…”


Anonymous said...

Just curious, but does anyone know what ecclesiastical communion K. Vanhoozer belongs? Not that it matters necessarily, I just find knowing this of the theologians I read and appreciate to be interesting.

David W. Congdon said...

I have a feeling KJV's systematic theology will end up being the evangelical version of Balthasar's Theo-Drama.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that Vanhoozer's now working on Remythologizing Theology; I've been waiting for a book-length treatment of the issues since his name was put alongside the Divine Action and Providence title in the Edinburgh Studies in Constructive Theology series at least as far back as 1998!

Ben Myers said...

Brian, I'm pretty sure Vanhoozer is Presbyterian (and I've heard he was involved in the Church of Scotland during his Edinburgh years).

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