Colin Gunton conference
I’ve just been informed of this day-conference on Colin Gunton: The Triune God in the Theology of Colin E. Gunton. The conference will be held on Monday 10 September 2007, at Spurgeon’s College in London (from 10:30 am to 4:45 pm). There will be four speakers who will present papers on Gunton’s theology:
Robert W. Jenson (Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton)
John E. Colwell (Spurgeon’s College, London)
Stephen R. Holmes (St Mary’s College, St Andrews)
Douglas H. Knight (Birkbeck, London)
With speakers like these, I’m sure it will be an excellent conference – so you might like to go along if you’re in the London area. For further information, contact Terry Wright here.
That sounds truly wonderful. Wish I was in London for it.
I happened across your website today and noticed you discussed Colin E. Gunton. Recently, we at Logos Bible Software have acquired a number of Gunton’s works, with the intention of developing an electronic version of each. You can see what we offer here: The Logos editions will be fully searchable, and all references and footnotes will operate as hotspots, immediately presenting the cited information whenever the cursor rolls over them. All this and more make these esteemed works even more useful for study. And you can help us see these products get the attention they deserve! Contact me for more info: zrock [at] logos [dot] com.
I came across this a little late. But I just wanted to make my precense known and ask whether it is possible to get hold of these papers in written form somehow? I have just started my doctoral work in Uppsala Theological Institution and I'm writing it on Colin Gunton. As such, it feels a little sad that this conference was four years ago, but maybe there will be others! I'd love to be informed if you hear something.
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