Sunday, 17 September 2006

Jaroslav Pelikan

A tribute to one of one of the twentieth century’s greatest theological scholars – Jaroslav Pelikan: delighted by doctrine.


Michael Westmoreland-White, Ph.D. said...

Wow. Who would have thought that a rabid Calvinist like George would have given such credit to a Lutheran?

I always appreciated Pelikan's work, but I'm surprised that George called him America's greatest church historian. When one collects the top ten: Roland Bainton, Kenneth Scott Latourette, Hans Hillerbrand, George Hunston Williams, E. Glenn Hinson, Justo Gonzalez, Albert Outler, etc., of whom Pelikan was surely one, it's rather difficult to get exact rankings paired down any further.

Michael Westmoreland-White said...

Wow. Who would have thought that a rabid Calvinist like George would have given such credit to a Lutheran?

I always appreciated Pelikan's work, but I'm surprised that George called him America's greatest church historian. When one collects the top ten: Roland Bainton, Kenneth Scott Latourette, Hans Hillerbrand, George Hunston Williams, E. Glenn Hinson, Justo Gonzalez, Albert Outler, etc., of whom Pelikan was surely one, it's rather difficult to get exact rankings paired down any further.

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