Tuesday, 29 August 2006

God's being

“As all the ontological determinants of the God of classical Western culture-religion came together in his ousia, so those of the gospel’s God come together in the event of Jesus’ resurrection.... If we bend the old language a little, instead of replacing it, we may say that the resurrection is this God’s ousia.”

—Robert W. Jenson, The Triune Identity: God according to the Gospel (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1982), p. 168.


Drew said...

I love the particularity of it, this God's.... Reminds one of Peter's speech in Acts, "this Jesus...

Chris TerryNelson said...

Beautiful Ben. I'll read Jenson soon enough!
By the way, I'm lovin' how you're pimpin' your website out with the new font and Amazon recommendations. I just figured out how to do Amazon Associates over at my new blog. It's great!

Ben Myers said...

Thanks Goobynelly -- I'm glad you like the new font. I really like it, although unfortunately it can only be seen by Mac users.

GoobyNelly said...

Beautiful Ben. I'll read Jenson soon enough!
By the way, I'm lovin' how you're pimpin' your website out with the new font and Amazon recommendations. I just figured out how to do Amazon Associates over at my new blog. It's great!

Ben Myers said...

Thanks Goobynelly -- I'm glad you like the new font. I really like it, although unfortunately it can only be seen by Mac users.

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