Friday, 4 December 2009

Sydney symposium with Sarah Coakley

On 12-13 July 2010, I'll be holding a symposium here in Sydney entitled "Sarah Coakley and the Future of Systematic Theology". The event will open with a public lecture by Sarah Coakley, followed by two days of papers and intensive discussion. Coakley is one of the most exciting and creative figures in contemporary theology, and this will be a time of serious discussion about the future of systematic theology, using her work as a resource and stimulus.

I'll soon be creating a webpage for the event. But in the meantime, please feel free to contact me if you're interested in participating. I'm especially keen to gather papers that engage theologically with different aspects of Coakley's work (e.g. patristics, contemplative prayer, feminism, gender, desire, Trinity, and so forth).

If you're interested in learning more about Coakley's theological project, you should check out the extended interview in Rupert Shortt's book, God's Advocates (you can read the whole chapter on Google Books).


Peter Carey+ said...

This sounds wonderful! I will follow along from afar - I had the good fortune to hear her speak while in seminary, and have read much of her work.

I look forward to hearing / reading more, and to see what others offer.

Peter M. Carey+

Chris TerryNelson said...

Wow. You just helped me discover Sarah Coakley through that fantastic interview, and in the process helped me rethink my posture towards a particular caricature of feminism.

Anonymous said...

Any updates on when her systematics will come out?

Brett Gray said...

Another thing to be said for Sarah Coakley - the quality and clarity of her writing. Proof that profundity and obscurity don't have to travel together.

Anonymous said...

This is a bit off topic, but does anyone know when the first volume of her systematic theology comes out?


Anonymous said...

She's just delivered a stunning series of lectures in Cambridge on the twists and turns of philosophical theology in the course of the last hundred years (as a warm-up to metaphysics proper next term). Definitely a heavyweight.

myleswerntz said...

off-topic, but Happy Tom Waits birthday!

Anonymous said...

google books is letting us down. No access anymore

Anonymous said...

Her understanding of the trinity in that interview reminds me of Herbert McCabe's essay "Prayer" in God Matters.


Peter Carey+ said...

Anonymous, try again on Google books, I just pulled it up...

Peter Carey+

Anonymous said...

I envy those who could be there. Can someone upload videos somewhere once the lectures are done so that those who are less fortunate like me can also listen to her? Thanks.

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