A few things
- A manifesto on the purpose of education
- The aesthetics of apocalypse
- A review of William Cavanaugh
- An invitation to contribute to a new series on neglected theologians
- Christianity is not about you and Jesus (this reminds me of the marvellous Facebook group: I am religious but not spiritual)
- Five annoying and five good words in theology (but he forgot to mention the “perichoretic dance”)
- Paul Ricoeur on why Karl Barth is worth reading
- Johannine theology and dogmatics
- The Augustine blog conference continues
- And an absolutely beautiful recording of one of Tom Waits’ concerts from his current Glitter and Doom tour (including performances of several of his great (anti-)gospel songs). There’s also a nice column describing the tour. Call me crazy if you like: but in the heavens and on the earth, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than seated amidst the Glitter and Doom.
I protest! Someone with no rhythm should be expected to remember dance!
You might already be in the know, but NPR posted a 2 1/2 hour Tom Waits concert last week. You can listen to it at: http://www.npr.org/templates/player/mediaPlayer.html
Wow, thanks for the tip, Luke! I didn't know about this — and it's a beautiful recording too! I'll add this link to the post as well.
Thanks for the link Ben. Anyone with any ideas where a Mennonite pastor goes with his theology and practice of the Eucharist. Yes, I am sure it will some how be via Yoder.
Thanks for the link, Ben! I hope that you survived your recent dentist visit. I share your same fear : )
"Dance" doesn't do it for me either. Though, I suspect, more of a reflection on my capabilities...
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