Monday, 19 May 2008

Envision 08

In June, one of the biggest evangelical conferences in American history will be held in Princeton: Envision 08: The Gospel, Politics and the Future. The conference aims to unite evangelicals and mainstream Christians in a conversation about how the gospel and politics interrelate in the current American context. The conference will feature around 60 speakers, including Shane Claiborne, Brian McLaren, Kay Warren, Miroslav Volf, Jay Bakker, Bart Campolo, Rich Cizik, John Perkins, and Jim Wallis. (H/T David and Chris.)


Anonymous said...

"unite evangelicals and mainstream Christians"?

It could be argued that evangelicals are mainstream Christians.

John B. Higgins said...

Notice which evangelicals they are trying to unite with mainstream Christians. It is the all-star squad of leftist political evangelicals (and I don't intend leftist as pejorative).

Anonymous said...

American Evangelicals and he mainline churches in America are basically two sides of the same theological coin with respect to political activism and politics.

They both seem to totally miss the point that Jesus was trying to make with respect to political activism and belief in Himself. That they ought be kept separate, and not made dependent on each other.

Both the Evangelical Right and the Mainline Left stick a thumb in the eye of the Two Kingdoms doctrine that many of the Reformers tried to instill in the minds of believers.

Anonymous said...

I meant political activism and 'faith.

Brian D. said...

Steve says "American Evangelicals and he mainline churches in America are basically two sides of the same theological coin with respect to political activism and politics.

Sticking with the currency analogy, I wouldn't say they are two sides of the same coin. Maybe it's more fitting to say that one is a wooden nickel and the other a $3 bill. (note sure if the later saying will translate across the Atlantic!)

And as far as the 'two kingdom' thinking goes, sometimes it deserves a thumb in the eye.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the Envision '08conference will bring the two sides together except to begin a conversation around political, enviornmental and social justice issues. Just an initial conversation and thoughts and aspirations for the future impact of Christianity.

Anonymous said...

Pity one of the most outstanding Christian political theorists and practitioners Dr Jim Skillen isn't listed to speak. The conference will be significantly diminshed without his contribution.

Alex said...

I agree with Andy. That is an odd sentence. Also, if the conference is about uniting, I find it odd that most or all of the speakers represent the left side of religious politics here in America: Claiborne, McClaren, Wallis, Bakker, Campolo, and Perkins. In fact, most of them are contributors to Wallis' blog.

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