Tuesday, 13 June 2006

A new Bob Dylan album

The announcement came just a few hours ago. In August this year, Bob Dylan will be releasing a new album entitled Modern Times—his first original album since 11 September 2001 (this was the gloomy date on which his last album appeared). The apocalyptic Dylan has long been prophesying the end of the world—but I sure hope the world doesn’t end before the release of Modern Times....

Anyway, I can hardly imagine how I’ll endure the suspense between now and August. To borrow a phrase from Dylan: “The next sixty seconds could be like an eternity.”


Patrik said...

Look out for the internet-only release Post-Modern Times.

John P. said...

I agree with Patrik...i would also check out itunes...they often have early release tracks and other such things...in the meantime, if you are looking for some Dylan-esque music i would suggest the work of Josh Ritter or Mason Jennings...I enjoy both.

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