Sunday, 16 April 2006

Catholic dialogue with Karl Barth

Over at the insightful blog, Catholic in the Third Millennium, there is an excellent post on contemporary Catholic dialogue with Karl Barth.


Dan Dunlap said...

Glad to have discovered your blog. It looks to be a great resource! Thanks for the reference to mine.

Dan Dunlap
"Catholic in the Third Millennium"

Anonymous said...


I noticed that you "recently completed a PhD on seventeenth-century theology and literature". Presumably that would have included the Caroline Divines and Restoration Churchmen. I have come to appreciate Caroline Divinity, including Andrewes and stretching back to Hooker.

One of the areas I'm interested in learning more is soteriology. I have read two books, one entitled the Caroline Captivity of the Church, by a friend (PhD), Rev. Julian Davies who's also a parish priest. It's a sympathetic reading towards Laud, as distinguished from "Carolinism" personified by King Charles I. The other recommended by Dr. Dan Dunlap: Predestination, Polemics and Policy by Peter White, another excellent book debunking the myth of an absolute bi-polarity in the theological spectrum of Jacobean and Caroline Church. And there is another scholar, Stuart something who's written on King James I who takes a similar view.

Can you please brief us about current scholarship on the issue, any new books published etc.? What are your thoughts?


Jason Loh
Penang, Malaysia

Ben Myers said...

Hi Jason -- it's great to hear from you. Your research interests sound very interesting. My own doctoral work centred mainly on soteriology, but unfortunately I didn't spend much time on the Laudians.

Peter White's work is definitely first-rate. Probably the most important books on the Laudians is Nicholas Tyacke, Anti-Calvinists: The Rise of English Arminianism, c.1590–1640 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1987). This relates the Laudians to the broader movement of anti-Calvinist theology in England; it's a profound and compelling book. A more recent study is Iain M. MacKenzie, God’s Order and Natural Law: The Works of the Laudian Divines (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002). While Tyacke's study is a work of massive historical scholarship, MacKenzie offers a more conceptual, theological account of Laudian thought -- it's not as good as Tyacke's work, but it's still valuable in its own way, and it does make a unique contribution to the field.

Anyway, I hope this is helpful. Thanks again for stopping by.

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