Stages of grief following a terrorist attack
The Six Stages of Public and Political Grief Following a Terrorist Attack
- Shock
- Panic and paranoia
- Twitter storm
- Selective fury, ideological posturing, scapegoating, expressed in Manichaean and apocalyptic discourse
- Knee-jerk clampdowns and counter-violence
- Shopping and self-beautification
Six Factors Which Inhibit the Grief Process and Suggest the Need for Counselling
- Pausing and taking a deep breath
- Self-examination
- Attentiveness and joined-up thinking
- Abjuring demonization and xenophobia
- Looking for political solutions rather than relentlessly bombing the barbarians “back to the Stone Age” (Curtis LeMay)
- Cultivating empathy (not fashionable feelings), imagination (not the same-old same-old), hope (not liberal optimism) – and prayer (not as withdrawal or escape from world but as Karl Barth’s “beginning of the uprising against the world”)
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