Saturday, 6 February 2010

Theology fail: Benny Hinn on the Trinity

OK, I think this one speaks for itself. Popular faith healer Benny Hinn explains the Trinity: "There's nine of 'em." Just when you thought the doctrine of the Trinity couldn't get any more complicated...

Fail submitted by Andy Nagel


Anonymous said...

Finally, someone to come and clean up the mess of confusion theologians have made of the Trinity. My goodness, only in America...

Fred Sanders said...


I have three points to make (Not nine. Three.)

1. Hinn's very next words after this recording were "You can't argue with the Word, can you? It's all in the Word." This was on Praise the Lord, October 3, 1990. Fail upon fail!

2. You don't have to listen very closely to hear the ugly squish of a social model colliding artlessly with a psychological model. Which is actually a pretty sophisticated fail.

3. If you had to, you could defend this Hinnite word by saying "Nine of them" means "nine elements," or "One God comprising three persons comprising nine elements." But then the Hinnite would have to give reasons for stopping there, rather than going fractal, following powers of three out into eternity. Hey, "following powers of three out into eternity" just might sell in today's theological culture....

Erin said...

It's turtles all the way down!

Unknown said...

Yeah... he has been teaching this for some time. I heard him when I was a student at ORU. Hinn is one of the few people I would label a heretic. I despise that word which has been sorely abused, but it applies to Hinn 9 x 9 times over.

Fat said...

Since there are three times the God you'd better put three times the money in your donation.

Steve Martin said...

I think B. Hinn's theological I.Q. is about...9.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Benny Rocks! You guys are just jealous!

Anyul said...

...and there three of them in those 9, and so on... so now we have 27,81,243... we not only have a Fibonacci series, we now have a Benny Hinn's series! that's awesome!

Mark Stevens said...

Ben, (as opposed to Benny ;) )I believe this view was also expressed in his book, "Good Morning Holy Spirit" and was one of the main reasons he was dismissed from the AOG in the US (I could be wrong on this last fact, I am working from memory). He later repented of the view but not of the stupidity that led to him opening his mouth on the subject in the first place! :)

Anonymous said...

Gee I am glad he explained it.

chris s said...

He is getting this straight from the "Dake's Bible"

Anonymous said...

Just one more reason every preacher should have to learn Greek syntax along with vocabulary words. I wonder how many dumbasses live in his head.

Darren said...

This is pretty old, and Hinn seems to have (attempted to) clean up his theological act a bit since being called on the carpet for such inanities.

I think I perceive what he may be trying to get at here: Each of the three persons of the Trinity are complex, and should be described as full and complete "persons" in their own right. Unfortunately he then mistakes a modern conception of personhood (an acting agent with a discrete body, mind, and spirit/soul) for the confessional tradition's understanding. Completely ignorant of the Christian faith's very subtle and nuanced wrestling over the doctrine of the Trinity, he then stumbles into this weird, modern, mathematical doctrine that can only fail before it has begun.

Steve Martin said...

What's in Benny Hinn's head? "Rocks", did you say?

Steve Martin said...

My doctor was also the doctor for Benny Hinn's brother (for a while).

My doctor asked him why he just didn't go to his brother (for healing)?

myleswerntz said...

I'm forwarding this to my students with copious explanations as to why this is awful.

Ed de Blieck said...

This man would have to smarten up to be an idiot.

Karl Hand said...

Hahaha, hey I was raised on the Dake's Bible!! I think this is refering to the FACT that the trinity each have a body soul and spirit, right???


Erin has nailed it - "Turtles all the way down"!

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