Wednesday 1 April 2009

Sweet Billy Pilgrim: twice born men

Here’s the best album of the year so far – a complex, richly textured work of exceptional power and beauty:

You can listen to the songs at the band’s website, and you can download a free copy of the lovely song “Truth Only Smiles.” Be sure also to check out the stunning “Kalypso”:

        We’ll sleep to the creaking of timbers

        The pitch and yaw of empty vessels

        I’ll plot points on a curve

        Over all her tender navigations
        Oh my mutinous heart 

        I can’t overthrow...


Mark Stevens said...

Ben, Ben, Ben! You obviously haven't listened to the new U2 album! Eno and Lanois brilliance!

Anonymous said...

... and you obviously haven't yet listened to Bruce Cockburn's old album of twenty years ago called 'Humans'...

Tony Hunt said...

Yeah, it's certainly good. But pales next to U2's "No Line..." and even Andrew Bird's "Noble Beast" and The Decemberists newest.

- anon - He was talking about albums out this year so far, not best album of all time!

Anonymous said...

U2? Seriously?

This is decent, Ben. But are we really to believe this is superior to Animal Collective or Grizzly Bear?

John Hartley said...

I guess the above comments show that when trying to describe an experience or a work of art to someone else, it's always a good plan to try to be as coolly descriptive of the content as possible, and to resist the impulse to describe the subjective effect on oneself.

Notwithstanding all that, I appreciated the listen: thanks for the links.

Yours in Christ - JOHN HARTLEY

Anonymous said...

What does the cover and the contents of the cover of a book, CD, or DVD, communicate?

Where is The Beautiful and the celebration of The Beautiful, to be found in all these dismal death infused shades and shapes of darkness, blackness and greyness?

ang said...

Hey there

I've been reading your blog for awhile now... which I found through an obscure Tom Waits link. I like your words.

It seems you have similar taste in music to me. Perhaps you'd be interested in a project I'm working on?

Thanks again for the info on Sweet Billy Pilgrim. Great album.


Darren Wright said...

Love the cd, some stunning music, flickering between it and the new decemberists cd as well as the "what about me" cd and the new "lady of the sunshine" cd.

I ended up buying the cd on itunes as nowhere I searched seemed to even know of the album's distributers...

roger said...

Is Britney Spears 'Circus album out yet? Will we be getting a review juxtaposed with Stringfellow blurbs?

Jim said...

You can listen to Bruce Cockburn's new album at

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