Violence and atonement
The latest issue of the Princeton Theological Review is devoted to the theme of atonement. There are some very good articles, together with reviews of recent books on atonement-theology – including my own review of Rowan Williams’ beautiful little book, Tokens of Trust. I just focus on the book’s construal of violence, peace and atonement: “Williams’ meditation on the death and resurrection of Jesus offers rich resources for the ongoing constructive task of envisioning ‘atonement’ as that event in which one man’s violent death becomes the incursion of peace – the event in which a non-violent God shatters our violence and grants us his peace.”
You can download the PTR free of charge.
Thanks for the great tip, Ben.
... what does Rowan mean by "tokens"? The term would seem to reflect a highly juridical sense of the Christian faith.
Hi mm,
I hope Ben won't mind me jumping in: "token" not as in a voucher used for exchange, but as in a visible, representative sign, or, better, act. "What he [God] does shows us what he is" (TT, p. 11). Think of God saying: Here is a token of my love - Jesus: "He is supremely the one who makes God credible, trustworthy" (p. 65).
Thanks so much Kim. Can't wait to read this one-
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