Here and there
Steve Holmes discusses Bruce McCormack’s fourth lecture, and adds some critical reflections on the whole lecture-series. Halden is against Constantinianism, and he discusses John Howard Yoder’s view of the church as an interruptive community: “The task of the church is to make it harder, not easier to talk about God.” And he also nominates his best reads of 2007. Jason reviews Gunton’s Barth lectures, while Indiefaith asks whether a pacifist pastor could ever ask her congregants to relinquish their safety.
Meanwhile, Guy interviews David Gibson about his new volume on Barth and evangelicals; Christian Amondson discusses a Hauerwasian understanding of evangelism; and David Congdon (at last!) returns to his blog with a bit of demonic demythologising.
In the celebrity corner, Mark Lilla responds to his critics (including James K. A. Smith), while Stanley Fish (rightly!) argues that the humanities do not ennoble. The brilliant Princeton theologian Wentzel van Huyssteen now has his own blog, and the architectural theorist Michael Benedikt has released a new book which blends the genres of theology and poetry: God Is the Good We Do. I doubt I’d agree with much of the theology here, but I like the idea of poeticising theology. And Marc Batko has translated a couple of pieces by Eberhard Jüngel: Egoism vs Pluralism, and How God Comes to the World.
Many thanks, Ben, for these fantastic links!
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