American Theological Inquiry: a new journal
The inaugural issue of a new journal was published today: American Theological Inquiry. This first issue features articles by Thomas Weinandy, D. G. Hart, John W. Cooper, Samuel Lamerson, Tom Holland, Raymond Belair, and Joan Mueller. They’ve also reprinted a few of my F&T book reviews.
The best thing about this journal is – it’s free! So head over and check it out. You can also sign up to receive future issues via email.
What did you think of the first tenant of submission?
1. The writer affirms the tenets of the historic Ecumenical Creeds of Christendom, (Apostles’, Athanasian, Nicæno-Constantinopolitan, and Chalcedonian). The ONLY exceptions to these required affirmations are the filioque clauses in the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds.
Yes, I wonder why they include with the Athanasian creed. This seems like a problematic move.
"D. G. Hart" - an as yet undiscovered younger brother?
I was told that DBH was one of three brothers, one Orthodox, one high Church Anglican and on RC.
"D. G. Hart" - an as yet undiscovered younger brother?
Yes, I wonder why they include with the Athanasian creed. This seems like a problematic move.
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