Robert W. Jenson – Jens –
Saw creation through a triune lens,
And heard it in the key of Christ,
A very, very, very nice
Prelude to the fugue of Paradise,
Composed by God the Holy, Holy, Holy,
Who, of course, is roly-poly.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch,
Blessings to beloved Blanche.
Blessings Kim for this - and of course peace be upon Blanche and all family and friends
To be a Clerihew
Of words there must be very few,
Of lines, but four,
Certainly no more.
But, Dave, Kim Fabricius
Has a wit so auspicious
That I would not terribly mind
If he added a line
Or two
To a clerihew.
A clerihew is "typically of two rhyming couplets" (Wikipedia, my italics). For Jens, "atypically" is not only permitted, surely it is demanded.
For "typical"l clerihews by Ben and me,
Google "clerihews at F&T"
And see ye
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