Thursday, 22 September 2016

The kingdom and social ethics: a typology

Here's a rough-and-ready teaching tool from today's class. We had already done some work on the social vision of Augustine's City of God, so I used that as a basis for outlining four modern approaches to social ethics:


myleswerntz said...

Except that Yoder becomes more like Niebuhr, seeing more and more analogies between Christian practice and societal manifestations.

Ben Myers said...

On Facebook one of my students pointed out that the description of Yoder is a bit lame. I've amended it to make it (I hope!) less inaccurate.

Ian Packer said...


Nathanael said...

Weren't both the neo-anabaptists and liberation theology inspired, historically speaking, by Barth? (Obviously, both groups also had other sources for their ethics.)

Alex said...

Fantastic! I love how everybody is subsumed under Augustine, so that when all things are subjected to him, then the [Augustine] himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all. I Cor. 15:28.

Evan said...

Where would something like Breuggeman's The Land fit? Or is the typology not meant to take in that kind of thing?

Unknown said...

Yoder has always been a wide gate and broad road to Rome's ecclesiological immanentism (and theological immanentism, by dint of its peculiar ecclesiological analogies). It is not a surprise to me at all that Canadian Mennonite University (the halls of which hosted a portion of Yoder's latter professorial tenure) has since become a hub for catholic dialogue.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Yoder and St. Augustine on this one ;)

- The Smiling Pilgrim

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