Video sermon: the difference between a genius and an apostle
Here's a sermon I preached recently on "The Difference between a Genius and an Apostle". It was the sending service for a dear friend of mine who was retiring from 48 years of parish ministry, or rather embarking on the next stage of a very long and fruitful ministry. (I've posted before about this particular pastor when he got cancer.) The sermon's title comes from Kierkegaard, and the text was Matthew 28.
John Hirt Thank you Ben. Your sermon at my last service at Leichhardt Uniting Church, Sydney, not only filled our minds with theological provocations, it kindled discipleship obedience in our hearts... with you in the journey ...
Thanks Ben I always look fwd to your sermons. I am going to intensely study its grammar and sentence structure and……oh wait. John its been more than 20 years since I heard one of your sermons but I hope now that you are retired maybe you will be spending more time here on Whidbey Island and I will have a chance to again be challenged and encouraged by your words. Blessings.
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