Stabat Mater: standing beside Mary in Holy Week
Here in Sydney, two of our classically trained seminarians are doing a series of Holy Week performances of Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater. If you're in Sydney and would like to come along to a performance, the details are on Facebook. I wrote this short reflection on the Stabat Mater for the programme notes:
Holy Week is more than a memorial. It is a time of participation. We celebrate Holy Week as a way of participating in the great story of Jesus’ rejection, suffering, and death. We are among the crowd that cheers and waves palm branches when Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey. We are with Jesus when he shares his last meal with his friends. We share in their astonishment when our Lord stoops down to wash our feet and tells us to do likewise. The next day we join our voices to the crowd that cries out, “Crucify him!” And we are there when Jesus takes up the cross and lays down his life for the ones who have rejected him.
The 13th-century hymn, Stabat Mater, is a powerful expression of our participation in the events of Good Friday. In the Gospel of John, we read that Jesus’ mother was standing by the cross as her son hung dying between two criminals (John 19:25-27). The Stabat Mater places us there with Jesus’ mother. We contemplate the cross with her. We see it through her eyes. We shed her tears. Our heart is pierced like hers. We identify with her shattering experience of grief and trust.
The Stabat Mater leads us from the grief of Christ’s mother to the sufferings of Christ himself. As we stand with Mary beneath the cross, we ask that our own lives would be pierced by Christ’s wounds. The hymn invites us, like St Paul, to “bear in our bodies the death of Jesus” (2 Corinthians 4:10). It reminds us that the crucifixion is not just a mournful spectacle observed from a distance. We don’t watch the death of Christ in the same way that we watch a sad movie, shedding a few tears so that we will feel better afterwards.
When we fix our eyes on the crucifixion, we are contemplating the depths of God and the hidden depths of our own lives. The cross reveals the deepest truth about ourselves. It tells us who we really are. It shows us that we are loved; that we are wanted; that our lives have already been fully judged and fully forgiven; that “neither height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39).
Composed in the final weeks of his life, as he lay dying from tuberculosis at the age of just 26, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi’s setting of this hymn is a profound musical exploration of human mortality, grief, solidarity, and ultimate hope.
If you don't know the hymn, the words are below with their lovely melancholy Latin rhymes. You can see a performance of Pergolesi’s setting here – or better yet, come along and join us for a live performance in Sydney!
I Stabat mater dolorosa The
grieving mother stood
juxta crucem lacrimosa weeping beside the cross
juxta crucem lacrimosa weeping beside the cross
dum pendebat filius where
hung her son.
II Cuius
animam gementem Her soul, lamenting,
ac dolentem sorrowing and grieving,
pertransivit gladius. pierced
by the sword.
quam tristis et afflicta O how sad and afflicted
illa benedicta was that blessed
mater unigeniti mother
of an only son.
IV Quae
moerebat et dolebat Mourning and grieving
tremebat cum videbat and trembling to behold
nati peonas incliti. the torments of her
glorious child.
V Quis
est homo qui non fleret Who would not weep
matrem si videret to see Christ’s mother
in tanto supplicio? in such agony?
Quis non posset contristari Who
would not grieve with her,
piam matrem contemplari looking
upon the blessed mother
dolentum cum filio? suffering
with her son?
Pro peccatis suae gentis For
the sins of his people
vidit Iesum in tormentis she
saw Jesus in torment
et flagellis subditum. and
subjected to the scourge.
VI Vidit
suum dulcem natum She saw her own sweet child
desolatum dying, forsaken,
dum emisit spiritum. as
he gave up his spirit.
mater fons amoris O Mother, fount of love,
sentire vim doloris that I may feel the power of sorrow,
fac ut tecum lugeam. let
me mourn with you.
ut ardeat cor meum Let my heart burn
amando Christum Deum with the love of Christ the Lord,
ut sibi complaceam. That
I may be pleasing to him.
IX Sancta
mater istud agas Blessed mother, do this:
fige plagas impress the wounds of the Crucified
cordi meo valide firmly
upon my heart.
Tui nati vulnerati The
precious pains of your wounded
tam dignati pro me pati child,
suffered for my sake:
peonas mecum divide. share
them with me.
Fac me vere tecum flere Let
me truly weep with you,
crucifixo condolere mourn
the Crucified One
donec ego vixero. as long
as I live.
Iuxta crucem tecum stare To
stand with you beside the cross,
te libenter sociare to freely join you in your weeping,
in planctu desidero. this
is my desire.
Virgo virginum praeclara Virgin,
peerless among women,
Mihi iam no sis amara be
not now harsh to me:
Fac me tecum plangere. grant
that I may weep with you;
X Fac
ut portem Christi mortem That I may
bear the death of Christ,
fac consortem share his passion,
et plagas recolere. remember
his wounds;
Fac me plagis vulnerari That
I may suffer his wounds,
cruce hac inebriari inebriated
by this cross
ob amorem filii. with
love for your son.
XI Inflammatus
et accensus Ablaze and aflame,
te virgo sim defensus may I find a defender
in die iudicii. on
the day of judgement:
Fac me cruce custodiri Guarded
by the cross,
morte Christi praemuniri armoured
by Christ’s death,
confoveri gratia. cherished
by grace.
XII Quando
corpus morietur When the body dies,
ut animae donetur may the soul be granted
paradisi gloria. the
glory of paradise.
Amen. Amen.
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