Sarah Coakley and other conferences
So I've finally done up a poster for the Sarah Coakley symposium. If you visit the website, you can check out the programme and the abstracts, and you can also download a registration form if you're interested in coming along.
And speaking of conferences, here are some other (mostly Australian) upcoming events to note:
- There's a Bavinck Conference coming up in Edinburgh
- There's a call for papers for a journal issue on The Church after Google
- The annual Barth Blog Conference is coming up in a few months – my contribution is on Barth and Jacob Taubes
- Engaging the Basis is a conference coming up in Melbourne – I'll be giving a paper on "theology and contemporary thought" (maybe focusing on cyberspace, or maybe something on contemporary philosophical readings of Paul)
- I'm also giving a paper in Brisbane this month (on Calvin) as part of a seminar series on Anachronism in Intellectual History
- The AACC conference in Brisbane includes Markus Bockmuehl and Robert Gordon
- A Melbourne conference on gender equality features Graham Cole and Kevin Giles
- This week Catherine Keller is speaking at a conference on The Politics of Peace
- And N. T. Wright and others are at Wheaton this week discussing Jesus and Paul
- The Princeton Barth Conference this year is on missional theology, and it features some of the best and brightest – Nate Kerr and John Flett – together with distinguished folks like Eberhard Busch and Darrell Guder
- The ANZATS conference in Melbourne is focusing on eschatology – Paul Fiddes is the keynote
- Also in Melbourne, the Prayer and Spirituality conference should be very good – it features Sarah Coakley, Hal Drake and Sean Freyne
- Later this year in Sydney, Jeremy Begbie will present the New College Lectures – I'm really looking forward to it!
- And it's not exactly an academic conference... but in May, a crazy cool radio station in Sydney will be doing a 5-hour Bob Dylan marathon, in honour of the great man's birthday.
hell yes they are here. wheaton matters.
Re your last point, which radio station? I am a big Dylan fan.
Don't forget the MCD Centenary Conference:
Why are all the good conferences on in July!
First call for all papers for the first annual
Dylan Blog Conference (and I don't mean Dylan Thomas) ;)
Folks on the other side of the globe from all this Australian action can held north to Aberdeen at the start of July to take in three days with Jenson, Hart, Webster, Leithart, Trueman and a cast of others discussing the place of controversy in the doing of theology and the life of the church:
Don't forget Regent... it's deserves love:
Speaking of Coakely and Conferences, Ben, I just posted a link to the program for Fordham's "Orthodox Constructions of the West" conference this June. Coakely is set to be one of the plenaries.
Ethos, EA's Centre for Christianity & Society is having a conference 21-22 May in Melbourne:
'Can't Get No Satisfaction? Atonement, Nonviolence & Abuse'
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